©2024 Jack and Jill, Inc. Palm Beach Chapter. All Rights Reserved.
To become a member of the Palm Beach Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc., you must be sponsored by a member of the local chapter. You and your family will be invited to several chapter activities to observe social, service, and educational chapter events. You may also be invited to a Prospective Member activity where you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with other interested women and members of the chapter.
Acceptance into the chapter is contingent on approval by the local chapter’s membership voting process. Once approved, an invitation to join will be extended. All Prospective Members must attend Orientation sessions before being eligible for initiation into the chapter in May.
You may also join the organization using Legacy status. Legacy status applies to any child or spouse of a child whose mother graduated in good standing from a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and who meets the other membership criteria. The deadline for filing a request for Legacy is January 31st. Legacy forms can be obtained from our National Office or by contacting the local chapter.